Decision-Making: A Timeline of Rewards

Dec. 21, 2021, 7:30 a.m.

Human beings are temporal animals. Our existence is dominated by one theme - time. Like other animals, our reproductive success depends on our ability to make decisions, and our ability to make decisions in turn depends on our ability to perceive time - to access the value of delayed outcomes.[1] However, unlike other animals, we have the capability to see rewards that are delayed far into the future.

Delay Discounting - A Trans Disease

Dec. 27, 2021, 9:38 a.m.

This is Channel 4 News KBEQ reporting the latest health scare. First it was cigarettes, then it was lack of exercise, now it's delay discounting In general decision makers judge rewards to be less valuable when obtained later in time. We adjust the subjective value of later rewards to account for the delay., the latest trans-disease scientists warn is threatening our…